Monday, May 4, 2015

Mad Women

I loved last night's Mad Men episode with Joan and her troubles at her new job--sexual harassment, regular harassment, and them not valuing her at all because she's a woman. I related so much. When I first started out in television reporting, my boss thought I should only report on "women's issues." So, interviewing heads of state? No. Interviewing opera singers? Yes. That eventually changed, but it took a while. How about you? Have you been treated badly at work because you're a woman?


Bette said...

I worked for the Navy (as a civilian.) It did not take me long to see the handwriting on the wall. There would no real promotion opportunity for me there, especially being a Jewish woman. After being copied on the letters of praise by the people I dealt with from the outside, my supervisor made it sound like he was doing me a favor by giving my automatic promotion. I was gone the next week.
I love Mad Men. I will miss the show but not the era.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your story, Bette. I think it still isn't easy for women in business.